MGI legt neuen Bond 2023/27 (WKN: A3LFLD) auf

Montag, 27. März 2023

Pressemitteilung der Media and Games Invest SE

MGI – Media and Games Invest SE completes settlement of the 2027 Bonds and has reduced its leverage by repurchasing approx. EUR 55m of existing MGI Bonds – Management subscribed for EUR 1.5m in 2027 Bonds

MGI – Media and Games Invest SE (“MGI” or the “Company”, ISIN: SE0018538068; Ticker M8G; Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market and Scale Segment Frankfurt Stock Exchange, OTCQX: MDGIF) has today settled the new senior secured floating rate callable bonds (ISIN SE0019892241) in the amount of EUR 225,000,000 (the “Bonds” or the “Bond Issue”). As part of the transaction, MGI’s executive management rolled over EUR 1,000,000 of Bonds and subscribed for EUR 500,000 in new Bonds.

In addition to repurchasing EUR 176,200,000 Bonds as part of the 2027 Bond issue as announced on the 9 March 2023, the Company has repurchased Bonds in an amount of approx. EUR 55,000,000 to further reduce leverage. The total nominal amount of the outstanding MGI Bonds now amounts to approx. EUR 400,000,000. The Company plans to further decrease leverage by way of additional repurchases of MGI Bonds at or around prevailing market prices.

With the 2027 Bond Issue and repurchase of existing bonds, the Company has successfully extended its debt maturity profile and reduced its leverage.

Media and Games Invest SE


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