PlusPlus Capital verfehlt Quorum bei Gläubigerversammlung

Donnerstag, 31. August 2023

Pressemitteilung der PlusPlus Capital Financial S.à.r.l.:

PlusPlus does not reach quorum in Bondholders’ Meeting

PlusPlus Capital („PPC“), a leading Pan-Baltic and Finnish technology-driven receivables management group, has not reached the required participation quorum on yesterday’s Bondholders’ Meeting to resolve a temporary standstill agreement on the outstanding coupon payment of its EUR 2022/2026 bond. The Company intends to meet its interest payment obligations by means of a share issue, the subscription period for which runs until 29 September 2023. PlusPlus Capital will provide information on the next steps in due course.

PlusPlus Capital Financial S.à.r.l.


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