4finance tilgt Anleihe-Volumen in Höhe von 15 Mio. Euro

Pressemitteilung der 4finance Holding S.A.:
4finance adds Philippines business as a Guarantor, cancels EUR 15m of 2028 bonds
4finance Holding S.A. (the “Group”), one of Europe’s largest digital consumer lending groups, today announces that it has added its Philippines business as a Guarantor of its bonds and cancelled EUR 15 million of its 2028 bonds. The Group committed to these actions as part of its recent bond refinancing, for which all related activities have now been completed.
The Philippines business, Online Loans Pilipinas Financing, Inc., is now a Guarantor of the Group’s 2026 and 2028 bonds. A full list of Guarantors for both bonds is provided below.
The Group has cancelled EUR 15 million of its 2028 bonds, leaving EUR 135 million outstanding in issue.
4finance Holding S.A.
Foto: pixabay.com
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