Multitude Bank investiert „strategisch“ in ESTO Holdings

Mittwoch, 9. November 2022

Pressemitteilung der Multitude SE:

Multitude Bank p.l.c, announces strategic investment in ESTO Holdings to fuel growth for retailers in Europe

Multitude SE (ISIN: FI4000106299, WKN: A1W9NS) (“Multitude” or “the Group”) announces that its subsidiary bank, Multitude Bank p.l.c., has concluded a strategic investment in ESTO Group, a leading provider of innovative payments and shopping solutions in the Baltics. Multitude Bank has invested EUR 6 million into the first tranche of a EUR 14 million bond programme to support ESTO’s growth in Europe. This contributes positively to improving the digital commerce landscape in Europe by enabling ESTO to offer financing solutions for consumers on its platform, which in turn allows retailers to achieve their growth objectives. 

“We are excited to join forces with ESTO and, together exponentially, add value to merchants and consumers. For us, it brings an opportunity to diversify our investments through our Bank and showcases a prime example of how the growth platform works in facilitating FinTech success, also outside of the Group. We are very proud to work with such a fast-growing and well-positioned company, and we look forward to a fruitful collaboration,” said Antti Kumpulainen, CEO of Multitude Bank.  

Multitude Bank, with a full European banking license, is the backbone of Multitude Group and acts as a key service provider to the customers of Multitudes growth platform. This strategic investment in ESTO is an example of how external players can tap into the resources on Multitude Group’s growth platform, including the provision of funding and banking services through Multitude Bank to support faster growth and execution. 

“In 2022, ESTO has exceeded all expectations as we have already reached our growth objectives set for the year. Since the founding of ESTO, we have facilitated over 300 million EUR in transactions for hundreds of thousands of European consumers and merchants. In cooperation with Multitude Bank, we continue to be a strong and reliable partner for our retailers, allowing them to maximise their success and sales through our commerce platform,” said Mikk Metsa, CEO of ESTO Group. 

Multitude SE


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